Singer Instruments PIXL Client
Getting Progress Updates
This topic assumes that there is an instance of the PIXLClient object called pixl. If this is not the case, please see the Connecting To The PIXL topic.

The PIXL can provide updates that show the current progress through a command. The PIXLClient provides an OperationalStatus property and an OperationalStatusChanged event that can be used to retrieve the current status.

 The OperationalStatus property includes the following information:

Subscribing to the OperationalStatusChanged event and displaying the status in the Console.
Copy Code
// Subscribe to the OperationalStatusChanged event.
pixl.OperationalStatusChanged += (s, x) =>
    // Display the status on the Console.
    Console.WriteLine($"Command: {x.CommandName}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Status: {x.CommandStatus}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Percentage Complete: {x.ProgressAsPercentage}%");
    Console.WriteLine($"Estimated Remaining Time: {x.EstimatedRemainingTime}");

The last update can be checked at any time by reading the OperationalStatus property on the PIXLClient.

See Also

Getting Started
