Singer Instruments PIXL Client
Loading And Swapping Plates
This topic assumes that there is an instance of the PIXLClient object called pixl. If this is not the case, please see the Connecting To The PIXL topic.

Whenever a plate has been loaded or swapped in the PIXL the client should notify the PIXL so that it is aware of the change.

The PIXL can be notified of a plate load or swap with the PlateLoaded method on the PIXLClient.

Notifying the PIXL that a plate has been loaded in to the Red bay
Copy Code
pixl.PlateLoaded(Bays.Red, "my plate ID", PlateTypes.PlusPlate_96, PlateRoles.Source, string.Empty);
There is no need to treat a plate swap any differently to a plate load - when the PIXL receives a notification that a plate has been loaded in a previously occupied bay it will assume the plate that previously occupied that bay has been removed.
See Also

Getting Started
