Singer Instruments PIXL Client
Handling Plate Requests
This topic assumes that there is an instance of the PIXLClient object called pixl. If this is not the case, please see the Connecting To The PIXL topic.

Whenever a workflow is running there will be times when the PIXL will require a plate to be loaded, removed or swapped. In this case the RequiredPlateInteractionsChanged event is raised. By subscribing to the RequiredPlateInteractionsChanged event requests for plate handling actions can be handled. 

Subscribing to the RequiredPlateInteractionsChanged event
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pixl.RequiredPlateInteractionsChanged += pixl_RequiredPlateInteractionsChanged;

Once the event has been subscribed to it can be handled. In the following example the plate request is displayed on the Console.

Handling plate requests by displaying them on the Console
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private void pixl_RequiredPlateInteractionsChanged(object sender, SI.PIXL.Client.Structs.PlateHandling.PlateRequest[] e)
    // Iterate each request displaying it in the Console.
    foreach (var plateRequest in e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Please {plateRequest.Action} {plateRequest.Plate.Type} with id {plateRequest.Plate.ID} in {plateRequest.Bay}.");

The PIXL also provides a human friendly message for all plate requests, that can be received by subscribing to the RequiredPlateInteractionInstructionsChanged event.

Subscribing to RequiredPlateInteractionInstructionsChanged events and displaying the instructions on the Console
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pixl.RequiredPlateInteractionInstructionsChanged += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e);
See Also

Getting Started
