Name | Description | |
Abort | Abort a pending operation. | |
AllowWorkflowExecutionWithInsufficientPickupLine | Adjust if the execution of a workflow is allowed when there is insufficient PickupLine remaining to complete the workflow. | |
Awaken | Awaken the PIXL. | |
CloseMotorisedDoor | Overloaded. Close the PIXL's motorised door. | |
DetermineRandomColonyPickingStartPosition | Determine the next row and column for a target layout. | |
Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. | |
GetAllPIXLChannels | Gets an array of all channels to all PIXLs on the network. | |
GetAvailablePlateDimensionFileNames | Get a list of all available plate dimension file names for a given plate type. | |
GetImplementedFeatures | Get the features this SiLA2 device implements. | |
GetPIXLChannel | Overloaded. Get a channel to a PIXL. This will get a channel to the first discovered PIXL on the network. | |
GetPlateLoadedInBay | Get the plate that is loaded in a bay. | |
GetPlateLocation | Get the location of a plate. | |
Initialise | Overloaded. Initialise the PIXL. | |
IsBayOccupied | Determine if a bay is occupied. | |
IsPlateLoaded | Determine if a plate is loaded. | |
OpenMotorisedDoor | Overloaded. Open the PIXL's motorised door. | |
PlateLoaded | Overloaded. Notify the PIXL that a plate has been loaded. | |
PlateRemoved | Notify the PIXL that a plate has been removed. | |
Reset | Overloaded. Reset the PIXL. | |
Restart | Restart the PIXL. | |
RunColonyDetectionWorkflow | Overloaded. Run the Colony Detection workflow using a specified project template.. | |
RunRandomColonyPickingWorkflow | Overloaded. Run the Random Colony Picking workflow using the last used project template and its pinning profile. | |
RunRearrayWorkflow | Overloaded. Run the re-array workflow using the last used project template and its pinning profile. | |
RunRearrayWorkflowFromFile | Overloaded. Run the re-array workflow from a file using the last used project template and its pinning profile. | |
RunUVSterilisation | Overloaded. Run UV sterilisation. | |
ShutDown | Shutdown the PIXL. | |
Sleep | Put the PIXL to sleep. | |
TryGetFeatureDefinition | Try and get a definition of a feature. |