Name | Description | |
ActiveError | Get the active error. | |
AvailableColonyDetectionProjectTemplates | Get the available project templates for the Colony Detection workflow. | |
AvailablePinningProfiles | Get the available pinning profiles. | |
AvailableRandomColonyPickingProjectTemplates | Get the available project templates for the Random Colony Picking workflow. If project templates are present in multiple locations on the PIXL the name of the project template will be postfixed with and underscore and the location of the project template. For example, if there is a project template called 'Example' in both the CurrentUser and Import directories on the PIXL the returned names would be 'Example_CurrentUser' and 'Example_Import'. | |
AvailableRearrayProjectTemplates | Get the available project templates for the Re-array workflow. | |
CanAwaken | Get if the PIXL can awaken. | |
CanSleep | Get if the PIXL can sleep. | |
CleavesOnCurrentBlade | Get the amount of cleaves that have been made on the current blade. | |
HasMotorisedDoor | Get if the PIXL has a motorised door. | |
IsAsleep | Get if the PIXL is asleep. | |
IsConnectionLive | Get if the connection is live. | |
IsDoorClosed | Get if the PIXL's door is closed. | |
IsDoorLocked | Get if the PIXL's door is locked. | |
IsInitialised | Get if the PIXL is initialised. | |
IsWorkflowExecutionAllowedWithInsufficientPickupLine | Get if the execution of a workflow is allowed when there is insufficient PickupLine remaining to complete the workflow. | |
OperationalStatus | Get the PIXL's operational status. | |
PickupLineRemainingInMeters | Get the estimated amount of PickupLine remaining (in meters) on the current reel. | |
PickupLineUsedInMeters | Get the amount of PickupLine that has been used (in meters) from the current reel. | |
RemainingCleavesOnCurrentBlade | Get the estimated amount of cleaves that remain on the current blade. | |
RemainingUVSterilisationTime | Get the remaining UV sterilisation time. | |
RequiredPlateInteractionInstructions | Get the required plate interaction instructions. | |
RequiredPlateInteractions | Get the required plate interactions. | |
SerialNumber | Get the PIXL's serial number. | |
ServerDescription | Get the server description of the SiLA2 device. | |
ServerVendorUrl | Get the server vendor url of the SiLA2 device. | |
ServerVersion | Get the server version of the SiLA2 device. | |
SoftwareVersion | Get the PIXL's software version. | |
UVBulbRemainingDuration | Get the estimated remaining duration of life left on the current UV bulb. | |
UVBulbTotalDuration | Get the total duration of use the current UV bulb has had. |